
Is It OK to Fire My Health Professional?

A short time ago, I saw a foot specialist who, by all accounts, was well-versed in all aspects of podiatry pertaining to rheumatoid issues, and also had a particular interest in scleroderma. As my feet had been in agony because of loss of fat in the…

3 Moments When Scleroderma Broke Me

As I’ve adapted to a life of chronic illness, key moments have broken my soul. These moments have refocused my view about life by pushing me past the definition of “normal” life circumstances. Scleroderma is constantly re-carving my comfort zone and placing me in situations that strengthen my emotional…

Scleroderma Doesn’t Play Nice with Family Fun

It’s hard to find an enjoyable outdoor activity that my entire family of four can do together. First, there’s the eye-rolling protests about having to spend time with parents compared to the far preferable option of hanging with friends. This universal issue comes with the territory of…

Scleroderma and Raynaud’s: The Fun Snatchers

Those three words — “You have scleroderma” — followed by — “and Raynaud’s” — have without doubt life-changing, if not life-threatening, consequences. In this column, I discuss the day-to-day impact these three words have, and the lifestyle adjustments and changes required to respect symptoms. Paradoxically, hearing those…

Why Are Scleroderma Patients so Stubborn?

A kaleidoscope of thoughts pass through our minds every second of the day. The unpredictable nature of a disease can change the way we think, rewiring our emotions and feelings in the process. A person with a chronic illness can feel alive and well one day, and…

Identifying the Thief That is Stealing My Life

Until writing this particular column, there had been an aspect of scleroderma that I still had not managed to come to any place of peace with since my diagnosis five years ago. It tormented me terribly, particularly when I had new results coming in…