Scleroderma and the Ordinary Girl

Identifying the Thief That is Stealing My Life

Until writing this particular column, there had been an aspect of scleroderma that I still had not managed to come to any place of peace with since my diagnosis five years ago. It tormented me terribly, particularly when I had new results coming in…

What Makes Scleroderma Patients Such Strong People?

Naturally, I am in contact with many people who have scleroderma, because I also have systemic scleroderma. I connect with other patients either through social media networks online or in person. Some scleroderma patients are high-profile people, many of whom we know well because we see…

Taming the Fear That Scleroderma Brings

It’s two days before I have surgery as a scleroderma patient, and because I have endured one total knee replacement already, I unfortunately know what I am in for.  However, in the lead-up to the big day, I have had a visit from an…

Committing to Scleroderma to Take Back My Power

I believe that there is a point when a scleroderma patient realizes that it is time to fully accept that they are unwell and commit to having the disease. Despite that this sounds like a one-way ticket to Depression City, it actually isn’t. The decision…

Physicians Should Rethink Their Pain Assessment Filters

Many patients with scleroderma experience severe pain. Pain relief and management is a vital necessity for scleroderma patients. Especially because their pain can present itself in many formats, and at varying degrees. However, pain is often isolated within the patient, making it is invisible to others. Because of this, it is difficult…