
What It Feels Like to Look Rare

According to the Census Bureau, about 30 million people in the United States walk with a cane, crutch, or wheelchair. What do you do when you see someone with a visible problem? Your eyes are immediately drawn to the source, to whatever’s disturbing the “normal” flow of…

Taming the Fear That Scleroderma Brings

It’s two days before I have surgery as a scleroderma patient, and because I have endured one total knee replacement already, I unfortunately know what I am in for.  However, in the lead-up to the big day, I have had a visit from an…

An Open Letter to My Caregivers

Dear Caregivers, You are the glue that holds my life together, intricately filling in the cracks of emptiness. Your role in my life requires an alert sense of awareness, and I see myself in the reflection of your eyes, as you make my comfort your priority. This…