
Worse Organ Damage Likely for Older Men With Diffuse SSc: Study

Several clinical characteristics in people with systemic sclerosis (SSc) — specifically, being male, older age, diffuse SSc forms, and inflammation — were associated with a greater accumulation of organ damage over time in a recent study. The level of damage accumulation, called a damage trajectory, also correlated with mortality…

Gene Profiling Reveals SSc-ILD Patients Who Respond Best to CellCept

Gene activity profiles in blood cells isolated from systemic sclerosis patients with interstitial lung disease predicted lung function responses to the immunosuppressant therapy CellCept (mycophenolate mofetil), a study has shown. These findings support the use of non-invasive gene profiling to identify patients who will best respond to CellCept…

#RAREis Representation Program Promotes Equity, Diversity

Horizon Therapeutics has launched its #RAREis Representation program aimed at increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion among patients with rare diseases. There are about 400 million people worldwide living with a rare disease; for many of them, access to diagnosis, care, and treatments can be challenging. Accessing better care depends on…

Rare Disease Day Panel Opens Window to Patient Experience

Bionews, the publisher of this website, hosted a virtual panel discussion on Rare Disease Day 2022, taking a deeper dive into what it’s like to live with a rare disease, including conversations about advocacy, mental health, survivor’s guilt, treatment of minority patients, and more. The Monday event, “A…