
Research is the Focus of Rare Disease Day 2017 The theme for this year’s Rare Disease Day on Feb. 28 is “Research,” which is a most-welcome topic to Raynaud’s and scleroderma patients across the globe. Investment in medical research provides immense hope and some comfort to the rare disease patient living with a currently…

A Tale of Two Takes on One Trach

When you’ve been a “frequent flyer patient” for as long as I have, you learn how to navigate the perplexing world that is our healthcare system. For 32 years, I’ve been a prolific health care consumer (not by choice) and have seen the good, the bad and the…

Self-Deprecation: Needed Friend or Confounding Foe?

Last week, I began my column with an unusually large dose of self-deprecation. Exhibit A:  ‘If my body were featured in a circus sideshow freak attraction (that’s every woman’s fantasy, right?), the announcer might exclaim, “Ladies and Gentlemen, children of all ages, come see the spotted…

A Raynaud’s and Scleroderma Patient’s Nemesis Season: Winter Here in the northern hemisphere we are in the midst of winter. In an attempt to minimize my Raynaud’s symptoms, hibernation began in October. This entails being under house arrest, unless I really need to go out. Such “special days” out are reserved for medical appointments…

Scleroderma: Pondering Self-esteem and Gratitude

If my body were featured in a circus sideshow attraction (that’s every woman’s fantasy, right?), the announcer might exclaim, “Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, come see the spotted lady with the world’s skinniest limbs and largest belly!” I am covered with red and purple splotches…

Why Anti-Bullying Campaigns Matter

His face was scattered with crater-like acne scars and budding new pimples. I remember his beady eyes being a muddy-brown and void of compassion. The sinking feeling that rippled through me as we passed in our high school hallways is branded in my visceral memory. His name…