
Refining the Art of Survival

Again on this New Year’s Eve, I found myself with the same thought as every other year: “Well, I survived another year living with scleroderma. I wonder how the next one will go.” I am certain that living with chronic…

How to Treat Painful Ulcers

The human body is lined with more than 100,000 miles of veins, capillaries, and blood vessels. These intricate pathways carry blood throughout the body to filter it, heal wounds, and oxygenate our cells. With scleroderma, the overproduction of collagen significantly damages the blood vessels, making it an obstacle…

How to Survive the Holidays with Chronic Illness

The holidays are the most joyful time of the year for many. Surrounded by loved ones, it’s a time for making new memories, eating delicious food, and focusing on all the happy feelings stored within. There’s a cheerful buzz in the air from November to January that warms…

A Shout Out to Men with Scleroderma

Systemic scleroderma is a rare disease. According to the Cleveland Clinic, its annual incidence is only about 20 cases per 1 million adults in the United States.  I have experienced many medical professionals who acknowledge they have heard of scleroderma, but know…