
Feeling Young and Old at the Same Time

Aging is a beautiful journey that is viewed differently in every culture. Some cultures embrace the elderly and look up to them for knowledge and wisdom. Others may place their family in a nursing home because they don’t have the time to attend to them. An uncomfortable feeling lurks…

Dental Hygiene Practices to Maintain a Healthy Mouth

The very first step in the digestion process begins in the mouth. For someone with scleroderma, simply chewing food can be exhausting. Different disease factors affect one’s dental hygiene, but various steps can be taken to try to maintain a good environment within the oral cavity. Over 20 percent…

Who Is the CEO of Your Disease Management?

I have recently become convinced that there is a specific event, kind of a “rite of passage,” that occurs for many chronically unwell people somewhere on their patient journey. I like to call it “The Great Transition.”  It is the point when you realize…

Letting Go of the Past

Spring cleaning is a good method to get rid of old clothes, memorabilia, and things that serve no purpose. Getting rid of old stuff can leave a person feeling less cluttered and mentally cleansed. Releasing the past can spark clarity and peace. When dealing with chronic illness,…

‘Your Skin Cancer Has Cleared’

“Your skin cancer has cleared.” 2018 started with a scleroderma-related, potentially life-threatening additional health challenge. A Bowen’s skin patch presented itself on my left knee. Last summer, I recognized the symptoms and knowing that the medication Efudix cream had…