
Gastroparesis Awareness Month: Tests

August is Gastroparesis Awareness Month. In this column, I highlight some of the tests carried out to determine stomach damage levels and the overall productivity of the digestive system process. Gastroparesis occurs when the stomach cannot pass food down to the small intestine, thereby…

When It Is OK to Say, ‘I Can’t’

There is a phrase that gets me going every time it is offered up to me. It drives me nuts. It usually happens when I am trying to explain why I cannot do something that entails using a part of my body that scleroderma has permanently…

Bringing Awareness to Gastroparesis This Month

August is Gastroparesis Awareness Month. Gastroparesis occurs when the stomach can’t pass food down to the small intestine, thereby affecting the digestion process. Gastroparesis is an unwelcome and debilitating symptom to most scleroderma patients, myself included. Symptoms include bloating, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, feeling full after…

Happy 70th Birthday to the NHS: Thank You for Keeping Me Alive

On July 5, 2018, over here in the United Kingdom, the National Health Service (NHS) celebrated its 70th year since its set-up by then-Health Secretary Aneurin “Nye” Bevan. According to the NHS70 website, “For the first time, hospitals, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, opticians, and dentists were brought together under…

Coping with My Scleroderma Soul Fatigue

Not so many years ago, around the time of my diagnosis, I recall having a major hissy fit. I had been invited to a wedding, and I didn’t like how I looked that day. My hair wasn’t right, and I just didn’t like the way my…

Finding Consistency in the Face of Scleroderma

I think I have been stuck in some kind of time warp. Either that or I have been unconsciously under the illusion that I haven’t really changed over the past couple of decades. However, I have, of course. This realization was brought about recently…