
How Survivor’s Guilt Is Yet Another Symptom of Scleroderma

Each time I read about another scleroderma warrior losing their battle, a tremendous weight crushes my soul — a combination of sadness, anger, and guilt. I’ll always remember the fear I could hear in my mother’s voice when I first discussed my scleroderma diagnosis with her. And in…

I Can’t Control Life, but I Can Control My Mind

My first time trying to meditate was a complete failure. I couldn’t contort my legs to look like a pretzel, to mimic the “meditation pose” I’d always seen in movies. After several fruitless attempts, I decided to just do my best to sit up straight, relax my mind, and focus…

Building Back My Confidence While Living With Scleroderma

I was diagnosed with scleroderma in 2001. Finding out I was sick changed my whole life, and everyone’s lives around me. My parents, my siblings, my friends, my co-workers, my boss, and even strangers I’ve only met once were affected by my illness. At first, things stayed fairly “normal.”…

Despite Naked Body Inspections, I Still Love CellCept

Back when we had to patiently sit through TV commercials, I would shake my head in confusion after hearing all the possible side effects of the medications being advertised. I was baffled that someone would be crazy enough to risk their lives for a prescription. Until I became that person.