
Talking to My Family About End-of-Life Decisions

Twenty years. That’s how long I’ve been living with scleroderma. That’s half of my adult life! Over the years, I’ve learned how to cope, be it physically (not being able to do things without help) or emotionally (living with a disease that changes your entire life). I’ve tried my…

Battling Scleroderma Doesn’t Make Me a Hero

I couldn’t find our family’s teacup-size dog. She had only been out of our sight for a few minutes. I scanned the dark, fenced-in yard looking for this adorable, fluffy furball. My eyes finally fell upon her white body floating in the pool. She wasn’t moving. Time to save a…

Scleroderma Has Dented My Ego and My Forehead

Having a rare disease often means dealing with uncommon symptoms. Sometimes I get lucky and one of my specialists can explain and treat them. However, the mysteries of my scleroderma-stricken body usually leave my medical team scratching their heads. Every time I meet a new doctor, I leave the appointment…

Marriage and Children: Are They for Me?

I never was the girl who aspired to be a wife and have children. That lifestyle was never on my radar. As women, we often hear other women saying, “I’ve dreamed about being a wife or a mother since I was a little girl!” That was definitely not me. When…

Smart Technology Helps Me Outsmart Scleroderma

With medications, doctors’ appointments, and the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there’s no way I could remember it all if I didn’t have reminders. Most days I’m lucky if I remember to grab my car keys the first time I walk out of the house. I’ve come to rely…

Taking Life One Breath at a Time

I can’t breathe, literally! At times I feel like I’m drowning in my own body. Living with scleroderma can be complicated — not because of the disease itself, which has a mind of its own, but mostly due to symptoms and side effects acquired along the journey. Early on in…

Scleroderma Patients Deserve to Be Heard

When people learn that I have scleroderma, they tend to react in one of two ways. Some offer pity and sorrow and treat me as though my life were over. They’ll look at me like I’m a lost kitten or mistakenly assume I’m now dependent on other people’s mercy…

My Love of Food Has Caused Me Heartache — and Heartburn

Eating is a sacred ritual in my life. I live for the aroma of freshly baked rosemary bread or the first bite of homemade chocolate chip cookies. Between the salty dough and the semisweet chocolate, the flavors are almost indescribable. I am also passionate about trying new foods. But eating…