
Living With Scleroderma Requires a Good Game Plan

Anyone living with scleroderma knows it is a difficult disease to manage. As patients, we are constantly flustered by a disease that seems to have no boundaries. Symptoms and treatment strategies vary from person to person, and scleroderma has no cure. Because of this, every scleroderma…

The Remedies That Help Soothe My Aching Feet

Did you know that gymnastic balance beams are made of aluminum and wrapped with a thin layer of polyethylene foam and leatherlike material? If a stunt is landed incorrectly, it’s like landing on concrete. When I was a gymnast, I once missed the landing of a front flip and my…

How Survivor’s Guilt Is Yet Another Symptom of Scleroderma

Each time I read about another scleroderma warrior losing their battle, a tremendous weight crushes my soul — a combination of sadness, anger, and guilt. I’ll always remember the fear I could hear in my mother’s voice when I first discussed my scleroderma diagnosis with her. And in…

I Can’t Control Life, but I Can Control My Mind

My first time trying to meditate was a complete failure. I couldn’t contort my legs to look like a pretzel, to mimic the “meditation pose” I’d always seen in movies. After several fruitless attempts, I decided to just do my best to sit up straight, relax my mind, and focus…

Building Back My Confidence While Living With Scleroderma

I was diagnosed with scleroderma in 2001. Finding out I was sick changed my whole life, and everyone’s lives around me. My parents, my siblings, my friends, my co-workers, my boss, and even strangers I’ve only met once were affected by my illness. At first, things stayed fairly “normal.”…