
Needed: Expert Specialist Scleroderma Centers

  Expert specialist centers are essential requirements in ensuring for the best care and treatment of scleroderma patients, as well as for the rare disease patient in general. The experience, knowledge, and understanding of a medical specialist not only offers increased comfort to the patient, but the greatest likelihood of an early diagnosis, optimal care,…

Scleroderma Awareness Month: a Flashback

Well, unless you had a month away from your internet connection, you probably know that June was Scleroderma Awareness Month, with World Scleroderma Day highlighting the end of the month on the 29th. However, as we scleroderma patients know only too well, we live with scleroderma for the remaining 364…

Day 30 Scleroderma Awareness Month – The Healthcare Dream Team

Scleroderma is a systemic disease that can affect the entire body — the treatment of which requires a multidisciplinary approach in medical care, best provided by an expert specialist centre. As has been emphasized in most of my daily awareness posts, an early diagnosis is crucial for best patient care…


It is finally here! Having counted down the days and months since the spring, TODAY is finally World Scleroderma Day. To read my post ‘June is Scleroderma Awareness Month,’ click here. To read my post about how the date for World Scleroderma Day was chosen, click …

DAY 27 Scleroderma Awareness Month: TELANGIECTASIA

DAY 27  Scleroderma Awareness Month: TELANGIECTASIA Telangiectasia are another symptom of Scleroderma, which although not life threatening as such, can be extremely distressing to the patient due to the change in appearance of the skin. As can be seen in the above image, my face has taken on…

DAY 25 Scleroderma Awareness Month: PAIN and HAIR LOSS

  Pain is a universal symptom with disease and illness, and especially so with the autoimmune arthritic conditions. I cannot remember the last day whereby I did not have any pain. As with most of the symptoms with scleroderma, no two patients will present with the exact same…

DAY 24 Scleroderma Awareness Month: DIGITAL ISCHAEMIA Management

  Digital ulcers are more often than not a scleroderma patient’s nemesis. They used to be extremely troublesome for me, until I started taking bosentan continuously in autumn 2012. This requires me to have bi-monthly blood tests, which were monthly, for the first eighteen months of taking the drug.