
I’m Learning to Stand Scleroderma Strong

I want to write about a strange little topic today that some may find uncomfortable to read. I am sure it is a theme that those without a serious disease also can identify with, but I think that being chronically unwell can magnify the entire matter.

October Is Raynaud’s Awareness Month

October is Raynaud’s Awareness Month. It is also the month when the beautiful autumnal shades over here in the U.K. remind me that my winter “full-time hibernation” is looming. My 50 shades of blue “party trick,” where my hands and feet change color…

Can Sacred Places Be Healing Spaces?

I notice that something happens whenever I feel unwell and overwhelmed by my disease and the life challenges it brings. During these times, I get the overwhelming urge to run away. There is a particular place to which I escape. Spending some time there…

50 Shades of Blue

Here in the U.K., autumn has arrived. The color changes of the natural landscape at this time of the year are stunningly beautiful. This annual display of nature showing off its true colors provides a reminder that winter is on its way. And winter is the nemesis season for…

Flirting with Life and Death

Life is an enigma; a beautifully twisted maze that evolves daily around us. Some individuals have a pretty good idea of how to find their way through, while others are lost and wandering, hitting dead ends. When living with a debilitating chronic illness, it’s easy to feel lost in…

I’ve Found My Own Scleroderma Tooth Fairy

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the summer holidays have finished. However, as scleroderma patients, we know all too well that we do not have a holiday from this diagnosis. More often than not, the management of the multi-complex symptoms makes for a full-time job. I have previously…

Gastroparesis Awareness Month: Tests

August is Gastroparesis Awareness Month. In this column, I highlight some of the tests carried out to determine stomach damage levels and the overall productivity of the digestive system process. Gastroparesis occurs when the stomach cannot pass food down to the small intestine, thereby…