
Self-talking My Way Through My Scleroderma

For years, when I was a practicing counselor, I used cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a part of my eclectic approach to to working with clients. One aspect of CBT is understanding what you subconsciously or consciously believe about certain problematic situations in life. The…

Surviving Scleroderma Amid Chaos in My Hometown

Two weeks ago my world was rocked by the mass terrorist shooting in two of our central city mosques here in Christchurch.   In February I wrote a column about finding healing in kindness. Reading back through it makes me very sad. It now feels…

Exercising with Scleroderma My Way

The medical police, aka my cardiologist team, have advised me to do no more than very gentle walks. I am not permitted to do anything more intense because we are waiting for cardiology test results. No weight training, no cycling, no strenuous kickboxing sessions.

Staying One Step Ahead of Scleroderma

Sometimes when I’m sitting in my recliner thinking about the meaning of life, I find myself fantasizing about how my funeral will go.  In my mind’s eye, it’s going to be a great party, with vases of sunflowers everywhere, plenty of my special…

Welcoming Kindness Creates Space for Healing

I had to travel to another part of the country last week. The outing was unplanned, but I’m never one to turn down a road trip if the opportunity arises. I packed my car with my medications, and accompanied by pleas from my husband to drive…

I’m Bursting the Scleroderma Boredom Bubble

The chronically unwell face plenty of daily challenges, some big and some small. But my latest battle was brought to my attention by binge-watching a TV series. I am a huge “Grace and Frankie” fan and have suddenly found my life much more interesting…

Celebrating the Bravery of All Scleroderma Warriors

It’s the middle of summer here in New Zealand. Today the temperature reached 91 degrees Fahrenheit — we Kiwis consider that pretty hot for Down Under.   During the summer months, Christchurch puts on many outdoor events, and Max and I decided it would…