Faulty Filters and Omitted Opportunities in My Treatment Plan

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by Kim Tocker |

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alternative treatments

Scleroderma and the Ordinary Girl

My filtering system is wonky. 

Kidney issues are likely the first things that come to mind when discussing faulty filter systems in a scleroderma column. Fortunately, I have escaped those nasty complications.

My psychological filter is faulty. I feel as if this fault has been hurting my scleroderma treatment plan.

We all have an inbuilt psychological-spiritual-cognitive filter system. Skip Google; I made that up to refer to the system we use to determine whether something is right for us. It filters out the bad ideas and welcomes the good. When the filter works OK and is reasonably balanced, our mind should be filled with things that give us inner peace and confidence in our lifestyle choices.

Our genes develop the system’s foundations. The thing is, experiences, modeling, and teachings influence the filter, too. Unfortunately, this means we could be conditioned to believe something unhelpful. That idea may then influence our filter system. Regular individual filter maintenance is required!

I’ve noticed that when it comes to the consideration of ideas that are alternative to strictly scientific-medical scleroderma treatments, my filter’s gaps are far too small. Consequently, when standard medical treatments don’t help, I find myself feeling unhappy and stuck rather than considering options beyond typical Western medicine.

Until recently, I hadn’t allowed any alternative treatments through my filter despite becoming more comfortable with the idea that such treatments could work. My dominant, unhelpful belief had been that any treatment outside of Western medicine is witchcraft, dangerous, and to be avoided.

The key is to widen my filter’s gaps so that I take alternative treatments seriously enough to weigh their pros and cons. It’s a little frightening to dilate those gaps, but as I have, my filter has continued to detect untrustworthy sources and harmful, unproven pseudoscience. However, I’m no longer rejecting everything or throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Being brave enough to consider and try alternative treatments for my scleroderma has brought about changes for the better. I’ve responsibly incorporated fantastic alternative treatments into my medical plan. Not only do I feel better physically but I also have a healthier filter system and more confidence in my measures for things that stretch my boundaries.

How’s your filter system? Does it need an overhaul? 


Note: Scleroderma News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Scleroderma News or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to scleroderma.


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