
5 Skin Problems Associated With Scleroderma

Scleroderma broken down literally means hard skin — sclero (skin) and derma (hard) — but hard skin isn’t the only skin-related issue people living with the condition have to deal with. MORE: Eight scleroderma-related conditions you should look out for According to Scleroderma and Raynaud’s UK,…

How Scleroderma Affects the Gastrointestinal System

This video from the Scleroderma Foundation, Greater Chicago Chapter features the presentation Dr. Michael Brown made at the Scleroderma Patient Education Conference in Oakbrook, IL in April 2017. MORE: The effects of living with scleroderma Dr. Brown explains how it’s important that people with scleroderma look…

Study of GERD in Scleroderma Patients

Many people living with scleroderma suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), where the digestive acids in the stomach back up into the esophagus causing an uncomfortable burning sensation, often called acid indigestion or heartburn. MORE: Five tips for managing Raynaud’s syndrome through the summer months Many people who suffer…

5 Ways Scleroderma Can Affect Your Eyes

Because scleroderma is an autoimmune disease which affects connective tissue, symptoms and complications can appear in any part of the body, including the eyes. We’ve put together a list of some of the common eye complications experienced by people living with scleroderma, with help from the Arthritis…

‘Cooking Up a Cure’ Event for Scleroderma

The Scleroderma Foundation’s Greater Chicago Chapter is hosting a celebrity chef event in September to raise awareness of scleroderma and money for vital research into better treatments and ultimately, a cure. The Cooking Up a Cure event will be held on September 14 at the Galleria Marchetti…

5 Benefits of Cannabis Tea for Chronic Illnesses

Medical marijuana is gaining popularity as a complementary medicine to help with many symptoms associated with chronic illnesses. While many people are curious about how marijuana (or cannabis) may help improve their symptoms, they are also reluctant to smoke the substance. However, there are ways that medical marijuana can be administered, including…

What It’s Like Living With Raynaud’s Phenomenon

Raynaud’s phenomenon is caused by poor blood circulation and primarily affects the hands and feet, although the face can also be affected. Extreme temperature changes can turn fingers and toes blue or white and make it painful and difficult to move and manipulate. MORE: Six complications of scleroderma that…

8 Tips for Exercising When You Have Scleroderma

People with scleroderma realize they need exercise to keep their joints flexible. However, those living with the condition can often experience a lot of pain and the idea of exercising and risking making the pain worse is not an appealing one. MORE: Nine ways to motivate yourself to exercise When they do find the will and energy to exercise, it’s important they pace themselves. If they push themselves too hard on a day they’re active, they may not be…

8 Scleroderma-Related Conditions You Should Look Out For

According to the Scleroderma Foundation, here are some scleroderma-related conditions you should look out for: 1. Gastrointestinal Issues Individuals living with scleroderma may experience some irregularities ranging from the mouth to the anal canal of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive tract. Thickening and scarring (fibrosis) of the tissue in these areas occurs due to…

Makeup Tips for Women Living With Scleroderma

In this Facebook video from Scleroderma and Raynaud’s UK, Alex talks viewers through her makeup routine and how she covers her telangiectasia which helps boost her confidence. MORE: Heart changes that can occur in scleroderma patients Alex talks about the importance of using sunscreen or moisturizers with built-in…