
Project Scleroderma: Hollie’s Story

This Project Scleroderma video posted on their Facebook page is all about 21-year-old Hollie from London, U.K. MORE: Scleroderma patient appeals for help for a complicated lung transplant Hollie first noticed something was wrong in her mid-teens when she began to experience joint pain in her hands. After visiting…

What Does a Chronically Ill Person Do All Day?

Many people with chronic diseases have what is called an “invisible illness,” meaning that although they are very sick, they don’t have visible signs of illness so many people assume that they’re not really sick at all. MORE: Yoga moves that may help manage scleroderma symptoms This is a constant source…

How Scleroderma and Pulmonary Hypertension Are Connected

Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that affects the connective tissue causing the body to produce too much collagen. This overproduction of collagen can lead to a variety of health conditions. While it usually affects the skin, it can also cause problems with internal organs such as the heart, kidneys, and lungs. MORE:…

4 Tips for Taking Care of Caregivers

While few of us choose to become caregivers, many of us are faced with the task if a loved one is diagnosed with a chronic disease. The transition is a strange time for everyone involved, as the nature of the relationship changes for both the caregiver and patient. However, it is…

What Is Sine Sclerosis?

Sine scleroderma is the term used when there is no skin involvement with the disease. (“Sine” is latin for “without.”) Typically, scleroderma patients experience problems with the skin as the disease causes the body to overproduce collagen. However, in sine scleroderma, internal parts of the body can be affected with fibrosis…

Explaining Stem Cell Treatment for Scleroderma

Scleroderma is a chronic autoimmune disease where the body produces too much collagen, causing skin and other organs to become stiff and tight. There’s currently no cure for the disease, but there are different treatments which can ease the symptoms. MORE: Farah Khaleck proves scleroderma is not…