Inspirational Stories: Scleroderma Strong Eight years ago, Jessica Massengale was diagnosed with scleroderma, an autoimmune disease that causes scaring in her skin and some internal organs. She had been raised thinking she could do anything if she tried, and Jessica Massengale decided she would not suffer alone or in silence. Therefore, she created the project…

Video Series: Scleroderma and Nutrition

A healthy diet does not cure scleroderma, but nutrition is essential for patients’ overall health. It is important that patients who suffer from scleroderma discuss with their rheumatologists or nutritionists the best course of action. However, it is usually recommended that scleroderma patients follow a healthy and well-balanced diet,…

Sleep in Chronic Illnesses with a Focus on Scleroderma

Presented by Hrayr Attarian, MD, at the Scleroderma Patient Education Conference in 2014, learn more about Sleep in Chronic Illnesses with a Focus on Scleroderma. This presentation was hosted by the Scleroderma Foundation, Greater Chicago Chapter and the Northwestern Scleroderma Program. Learn more about scleroderma here:…

“Dear Scleroderma” – A Message by Jessica Massengale

Eight years ago, Jessica Massengale was diagnosed with scleroderma, an autoimmune disease that causes scaring in her skin and some internal organs. Since then, she has been raising awareness of this disease and helping others going through the same battle as her. In this New Pace video, here are some…

Scleroderma Society: Hollie’s Story

In this Amy Baker video, get to know Hollie’s scleroderma story told in her own word and those of her parents. “As parents, it’s devastating to know that your daughter might only live for a year or less. I don’t think any parent wants to outlive their child, so…

Statement on Scleroderma Awareness Month

June is the start of Scleroderma Awareness Month, with the countdown to World Scleroderma Day, 29th June, fast approaching! In this David Sweet MP video, listen to his statement about scleroderma in the House of Commons on May 30th, 2016. “What is alarming is that…

Oral Drug, Macitentan, Found Ineffective in Treating SSc-associated Digital Ulcers in Phase 3 Studies

Macitentan, an oral endothelin receptor antagonist, was found in two Phase 3 clinical trials to be an ineffective treatment of digital ulcers in patients with systemic sclerosis. Trial results were evaluated by Dinesh Khanna, MD, and colleagues from the University of Michigan Scleroderma Program in Ann Arbor. Their findings, detailed in the article “…

10 Autoimmune Facts and Statistics

An autoimmune disorder occurs when the body’s immune system starts attacking and destroying healthy body tissue by mistake. Scleroderma is a rheumatic, autoimmune and chronic disease that affects the body by hardening connective tissue. According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA), here are some facts and statistics about…

Scleroderma and the GI Tract

In this video by the Scleroderma Foundation, Greater Chicago Chapter, watch Michael Brown, MD, Professor of Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, talk about scleroderma and the gastrointestinal tract (GI). Read the latest scleroderma and gastrointestinal (GI) problems news here: Scleroderma News is strictly a news and information…

TBT – Scleroderma Awareness: Meet Those Fighting for a Cure!

Throughout June, our resident blogger and scleroderma patient, Nicola Whitehill, posted daily information and facts on scleroderma to celebrate the Scleroderma Awareness Month. Read all Nicola’s Scleroderma Awareness Month articles here. In this emotional video by the Scleroderma Foundation, Greater Chicago Chapter, learn what scleroderma is…