
10 Ways to Stay Hydrated

The human body depends heavily on water as organs, cells and tissue all need water to function correctly. It’s important to remind yourself to constantly stay hydrated, especially on hot days. Staying hydrated is a big part of being healthy. A healthy diet does not cure scleroderma but nutrition…

Scleroderma: What is an Autoimmune Disease?

In this Demystifying Medicine video from McMaster University, learn more about what an autoimmune disease is. Looking for more facts? Here are 10 Autoimmune Facts and Statistics “Autoimmune diseases cause your immune system to attack healthy tissue and cells instead of harmful substances.” Learn more about…

10 Important Terms for Scleroderma You Should Know About

Certain terms that a scleroderma patient will hear over and over from doctors, physicians, and even fellow patients can sound totally alien — at first. Here’s what some of those terms mean in everyday language, according to the Scleroderma Foundation. 1. Arthralgia “Pain in a joint.”…

New Guidelines: Plasma Exchange as a Possible Scleroderma Therapy

Recently, the Scleroderma Education Project released guidelines for patients and doctors wishing to know more about therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) as a treatment option for limited scleroderma.  TPE is a procedure where the plasma is replaced by a plasma substitute. The main purpose of the technique is to remove potentially harmful circulating…

Scleroderma Symptom Management: What Can Be Done?

A healthy diet does not cure scleroderma, but nutrition is essential for patients’ overall health. In this video by the Scleroderma Foundation, listen to Dr. Janet Pope’s session during the 2015 Scleroderma Foundation National Patient Education Conference about “Scleroderma Symptom Management-Why, & What Can be Done?”.

The Reality of Life with Diffuse Scleroderma

According to the Scleroderma Foundation, while there is no proven cure for scleroderma much can be done to prevent, minimize, or alleviate its effects and symptoms.  With this candid and emotional video, learn more about the harsh reality of living with diffuse scleroderma and the deterioration it causes from patient …

The Reality of Living with Scleroderma

Throughout June, our resident blogger and scleroderma patient, Nicola Whitehill, posted daily information and facts about ‪scleroderma to celebrate Scleroderma Awareness Month. Read all Nicola’s Scleroderma Awareness Month articles here. In this SclerodermaWA video, watch three people sharing their stories…

Project Scleroderma: How ‘Beneath the Surface’ Started

Project Scleroderma: Beneath the Surface has recently gained popularity, it was presented on the Oprah show and is highly anticipated by the scleroderma community. But what is this project and how was it started? Christy McCaffrey lost her mother to scleroderma in September of 2009 and she began…

Is Medical Marijuana Harmful or Helpful?

In a recent news, we reported that a research team has developed a cannabinoid-based drug that stimulates not only one, but two, receptors believed to be involved in fibrosis development in scleroderma. The drug, VCE-004.8, prevented the formation of fibrosis-promoting myofibroblasts in culture and stopped fibrotic changes…