
How to Endure the Torture of Esophageal Testing

When something gets stuck in your throat, you’ll do everything imaginable to dislodge it. That’s why when someone intentionally threads a tube through your nose and down your esophagus, you really have to fight all of your basic instincts that want to remove it. Scleroderma can wreak havoc on the…

Acknowledging That This Time, I Need Help

Sometimes life deals a hand that tests us. We then look for ways to overcome those challenges. But what do we do when the bad news keeps coming? How do we keep moving forward when we feel like more weights than we can carry have been placed upon our shoulders?…

Self-love Is the Best Love

Being a caregiver can be a huge balancing act. Some caregivers do this for a living, while others help family or friends who might need extra help each day. My family believes it takes a village to raise a child. This, however, applies to more than children. A village takes…

Standing By My Mother During Health Challenges

As my mother’s caregiver, I had to learn how to be there for her without allowing my ego to take over. Sure, logically it seems easy enough to avoid being egotistical while taking care of another human being. But for my mother’s most recent surgery, I had to learn…

Meds or No Meds?

I used to save my empty pill bottles, thinking a Pinterest craft would catch my eye and I would have a good use for my vast collection of rusty-colored medicine containers. Instead, my stockpile grew so rapidly I had no choice but to give in and trash them. Unless I…

My Diagnosis Was Gut-wrenching, but Life Gets Better

The phone rang on a Friday night. I answered it thinking the call probably was from another annoying solicitor. Instead, it was the voice of the person who would introduce me to my disorder. The nurse told that me my tests had come in, and I had scleroderma. Finding answers…

Can Someone Pass Me Life’s Handbook?

In my mom’s life, I am more than a caregiver. I became one at a time when she needed me the most. It was a role I willingly stepped into but never understood fully. Being her eldest daughter can be tough, and what mother-daughter relationship isn’t? By nature, it was…