Wendy Henderson,  —

Wendy is a proven blogger and social media manager who has helped to build online communities for businesses and organizations. She currently heads the website’s social outreach online through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Articles by Wendy Henderson

What Does a Chronically Ill Person Do All Day?

Many people with chronic diseases have what is called an “invisible illness,” meaning that although they are very sick, they don’t have visible signs of illness so many people assume that they’re not really sick at all. Here are some yoga moves that might help you manage scleroderma symptoms. This is…

7 Physical Clues You Could Have Depression

Many people who suffer from chronic illnesses also suffer from depression. Depression isn’t something that should be overlooked; it should be brought to your doctor’s attention so that it can be treated. But how do you spot depression?  With help from prevention.com, we’ve put together a list of some of the most common physical signs…

Feeling Comfortable With a Feeding Tube in Public

Feeding tubes are a necessary evil for many people with chronic illnesses such as scleroderma or inflammatory bowel disease. It can take patients a while to feel comfortable in public and begin to be OK with the stares and questions that it may prompt from strangers. Find out about sine scleroderma…

Rare Disease Day Highlights Need for More Research Into Scleroderma

Last week’s Rare Disease Day had one overarching topic: research! Rare diseases are often overlooked by governments around the world when it comes to financing important research. They tend to use taxpayer dollars to fund research into more well-known diseases. Find out more about the importance of raising the public profile of scleroderma here. …