7 Tips for Living with Scleroderma

There are some simple steps you can take to help maintain your general health according to the Scleroderma Research Foundation. 1. Avoid smoking. Throughout June, our resident blogger and scleroderma patient Nicola Whitehill posted daily information and facts on scleroderma to mark Scleroderma Awareness Month.

Systemic Sclerosis: Conditions Overlap

Scleroderma is a systemic autoimmune disease which causes hardening of the skin and connective tissues. The disease mostly affects women ages 30-50, but children and men can also be affected. Each person’s experience of scleroderma is very individual to them, with some who deal with slight skin tightening to others who…

Science of Depression

According to recent reports, a satisfying marriage or long-term domestic relationship helps ease depression in women with systemic sclerosis compared to single woman with disease-related symptoms of depression. But do you know the complex science of depression? In this video shared with AsapSCIENCE, you can learn more…

Faces of Scleroderma

  In this uplifting video “I ♥ My Scleroderma Sisters” shared by Sharon Esposito, we see the faces of the disease in all colors and ages. All of the women sent Sharon a picture of themselves after she requested help to make the video for World Scleroderma Day 2016 in…

Scleroderma: Farah Khaleck’s Story

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9qzbScw4Gw In this K24TV video, meet Farah Khaleck who was diagnosed with scleroderma just after turning 17 years old. According to the Scleroderma Foundation, while there is no proven cure for scleroderma much can be done to prevent, minimize, or…

5 HSCT Articles You Can’t Miss

1. HSCT Seen as Superior to Current Therapies for Severe, Progressive Sclerosis “Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), evaluated in 18 people with rapidly progressing systemic sclerosis, found the experimental therapy superior to standard treatments for the disease for this patient population.”    2. Spotlight on an Ssc Patient and…

5 Misconceptions About Nutrition

A healthy diet does not cure scleroderma, but nutrition is essential for patients’ overall health. In this Demystifying Medicine from McMaster University video, learn more about five common misconceptions when it comes to food, nutrition, and healthy living. Back in 2015, a study demonstrated…

Nicola Whitehill’s Scleroderma Diet – A Patient’s Perspective

Recently researchers identified for possibly the first time a case featuring simultaneous watermelon stomach and watermelon colon. In other words, both organs displayed the appearance of gastrointestinal lesions that resemble the stripes of a watermelon. Gastrointestinal symptoms are common in both limited or diffuse cases of systemic sclerosis.

What Would You Say to a Stranger Who Saved Your Life?

In this Gifted Life video, several transplant recipients answer the question: “If you could talk to your donor, what would you say?” Hear emotion filled answers that come with great gratitude for donors who gave the gift of life. Back in 2015, human stem cell transplantation…