
Nutritional Tips to Help Manage Autoimmune Diseases

In this video, Barbara Mendez, a nutritionist and registered pharmacist, shares some simple diet and lifestyle tips to help you better manage autoimmune diseases like scleroderma. Discover seven tips for living better with scleroderma here.  Eliminating processed and refined foods, getting plenty of quality sleep, reducing stress,…

Scleroderma: The Truth

In this Mason Pell video, we meet Dr. Lee Shapiro, director of the Steffens Scleroderma Center. Read about seven complications connected to scleroderma.  Dr. Shapiro explains the four different types of scleroderma and the differences between them. We also meet patients who have the different types of…

6 Scleroderma-Friendly Recipes

Eating a balanced diet is sensible advice for anyone, but it’s even more important if you have scleroderma. The body needs vital nutrients and vitamins in order to keep healthy, fight infections and perform at its best. When you are already ill, eating well can help ease the symptoms of your…

How Scleroderma Affects Everyday Life

Scleroderma is a chronic autoimmune disease where the body produces too much collagen, causing the skin and other major organs to tighten and thicken. This can cause severe pain and other health problems. Read about seven scleroderma complications that can occur here.  In this Scleroderma Foundation video produced…

Explaining Stem Cell Treatment for Scleroderma

Scleroderma is a chronic autoimmune disease where the body produces too much collagen, causing skin and other organs to become stiff and tight. There’s currently no cure for the disease, but there are different treatments which can ease the symptoms. Read about seven complications that can arise from…

Demystifying Vitamin D

Many people with chronic illnesses such as scleroderma who also have very low levels of vitamin D may be strongly advised by their doctors to take vitamin D supplements. Read here about how sclerosis activity correlates with vitamin D deficiency.  In this Demystifying Medicine video, vitamin D’s…

10 Tips to Get You Through Cold and Flu Season

It’s that time of year when everyone starts to get sick and pass around their cold and flu germs. Having a chronic illness means that your immune system is already compromised, which makes picking up other people’s winter illnesses harder to avoid. However, you don’t have to lock yourself away…

20 Facts You Should Know About Pediatric Scleroderma

According to the Cleveland Clinic, although scleroderma may be similar in patients of all ages, there are some specific characteristics that are more pronounced in children. Pediatric scleroderma is divided into systemic and localized diseases, which is further differentiated into subtypes based on clinical findings of skin involvement.

How Does Our Skin Make Vitamin D?

It’s thought that about 80% of scleroderma patients have a vitamin D deficiency. Because vitamin D can help with a variety of medical complaints, many people with scleroderma benefit from taking supplements of the important nutrient. Discover nine signs you could have a vitamin D deficiency here. Vitamin D can…

Hard Life, Hard Skin: A Scleroderma Documentary

Scleroderma is a rare but chronic autoimmune disease where the body over-produces collagen. This extra collagen makes the skin and other internal organs stiff and tight, which can result in many medical problems. Read about ten important symptoms of scleroderma here.  In this video shared by N…