Fighting Chronic Illness With a Positive Mindset

The machine monitoring my vitals beeps annoyingly to alert the nurses that my blood pressure has dropped again. My limbs ache from the frigid air conditioning, and my body is sore from being held hostage in the hospital bed. Fear, loneliness, and pain begin to consume my thoughts once again, and my top lip begins to quiver.
Tears flood my eyes, and a warm rush of blood flushes my face. I suck in as much air as I can and slowly release it, trying to calm myself. “Don’t go there!” I silently urge myself.
Pessimistic thoughts make things worse
Being chronically ill, I have many reasons to complain. Things like crippling pain, disability, and repeatedly having to cancel plans are emotionally overwhelming. Therefore, I often find myself standing on the edge of a slippery slope. Pessimism likes to grab ahold of me, and when it does, it pulls me down to a very dark place.
Unfortunately, once I’m underneath all that negativity, it’s a struggle to get back up. And there’s no joy inside pessimistic thoughts.
Choosing to stay positive
While hospitalized, I had so many reasons to start bawling my eyes out and throwing childlike tantrums. But after I calmed my emotions with intentional deep breaths, I reminded myself that I would never get that day back. I repeated something I say often: “It can always be worse, so enjoy this moment.”
Luckily for the nurses, I didn’t throw my lunch tray across the room and scream. Instead, I surrendered to my situation and began looking for something to watch on the TV as a distraction. While skimming through the free movies, I recognized the title “Little Women.” Suddenly, I allowed myself to become excited about finally having the opportunity to watch an adaptation of one of my favorite books.
Until a cure for scleroderma is found, I have two choices. Option one is throwing myself angry pity parties. (I certainly have enough material to host one of those shindigs every day of the year.) Option two is finding the silver lining hidden among the destruction. For me, a life filled with optimism is a life worth living, so I’ll always strive for the latter.
Positivity leads to more positivity
A movie seems like such a minuscule thing compared with everything I was battling at that moment. Yet, it helped me step back from the ledge I was about to hurl myself over. The small joy I found hidden within a massive pile of gloom created more cheer through a ripple effect. It cleared my head so I could enjoy my video chat with my children. That tiny morsel of happiness also opened my heart so I could pray for the patient crying out in pain in the room next to me. My sense of hope was restored by finding one good thing to focus on.
Optimism helps me fight illness
Maintaining an optimistic mentality is one way I fight back against scleroderma. New, painful symptoms and disabilities manifest themselves regularly, and it makes me feel like I have a monster living inside me. I feel that demon trying to pull me down and destroy the life I’ve worked so hard to build. While I cannot stop the physical damage from happening, I do have the ability to overcome the mental destruction.
Searching for the positive aspects of chronic illness, despite all its negative effects, is a choice. And it is without a doubt the more difficult option. Laughing despite pain is a choice. Enjoying what my body can still do for me is a choice. It’s a continuous struggle, but I work hard to live a happy life by reminding myself to find the silver linings.
The other day, I was out of breath from walking across a field to where my daughter was playing soccer. For a moment, I was upset that my lungs are no longer thriving. But I fought back and overpowered that negativity by reminding myself how fortunate I was to be healthy enough to watch my child play. Back to reality — it can always be worse!
Look for the silver linings
A disease that destroys the body creates the perfect invitation for negative thoughts. It is possible (and worth it) to find the positives hidden under so much pain and suffering.
Challenge yourself to say something encouraging every morning when you wake up. At every meal, think of one thing you’re grateful for. Praise yourself for every little victory. It gets easier the more you practice focusing on the good.
We are given only one life to live, so for all those with chronic conditions, let’s make each day count by attacking our illness with an optimistic mindset.
Note: Scleroderma News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Scleroderma News or its parent company, Bionews, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to scleroderma.
Liz Hilton
I totally agree to use positivity as a powerful tool. I was diagnosed in 2017 in the UK with the worst of the worst Aggressive Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis.
It turned my world upside down on this harrowing road I was determined to fight tooth & nail against this disease. I was lucky to have stem cell treatment in 2018 as the disease was caught early & hadn't affected my major organs.
I was informed my "positivity" was a real plus for the invasive stem cell treatment.
Thank-you for your story. It proves how this state of mind can help in coping with the ups & downs of this disease.
Lisa Weber
Liz, I'm so glad you were able to have a stem cell transplant and halt the progression! You are definitely a strong warrior! Best wishes to you.
Ellen Galione
I am so thankful for your words and sharing your story. You inspire me. I too have scleroderma and other autoimmune issues which cause me constant chronic pain. I struggle everyday to have a positive mindset and try my very best and your story has inspired me to look for that silver lining more consistently. We should see one everyday. One of mine is also video chatting with the kids as they live a distance from me. I have 2 grandkids and I do find the strength somehow when I'm with my loved ones. Keep up your beautiful outlook and thank you for making my day brighter.
Feel Good Be Well
Thank You again
Lisa Weber
Ellen, family definitely helps us focus on the reasons we fight. Staying positive is definitely easier said than done. Keep working at it and don't give up. Stay strong!
Diane Elliott
Thankyou .I needed to read this days are getting harder because of this condition taking over my body and internal organs..I try and stay positive everyday ..I do positive affirmations which greatly help but sometimes when breathing and walking are difficult to do I give in momentarily to self pity but then a friend or family member will ring or come over..or I look up and see a butterfly or the sun shining and I thank God I can still breathe and walk at all..being gentle on myself when things get bad also day at a time.
Lisa Weber
One day at a time, Diane! You've got this!
Arlene C. Weaver
My sister who is 22yr.s younger than myself (I`m 87 ) was diag. about 9 yr.s ago and we`ve seen her struggles !! Pain and loss of strength cause`s mood swings . She was given a therapy dog a few yr.s ago and he has helped calm her immense`ly !! I hope she does`nt get worse !! Thank you !!
Lisa Weber
I'm so happy to hear that your sister got a therapy dog. My dogs help me in ways that medicine cannot. I'm working on a column about how they help. It's difficult to give words to the healing they give me. Best wishes to you and your sister!
Christel Goetsch
Thank you for the reminders of what we can focus on when our bodies seem to regularly let us down, Lisa! I sit here early this morning because a new site of pain kept me from sleeping later than 4:45 am…. Your message is just what I needed to carry on (and I will!). There is a definitely less frustration in knowing that others out there “get it”!
Thanks again, and take care!
Christel Goetsch in MI
Lisa Weber
Christel, I'm so happy to hear that this column helped you carry on! You are right- I get it! And your comment has helped me carry on too! Together we've got this!
Kim Grissom
I always look forward to reading your posts.Attitude is huge with Scleroderma.I fight daily to stay positive and pleasant with my family,friends,and coworkers.You are an inspiration to me.Please keep writing and encouraging the way you do.Let’s make the days count!
Lisa Weber
I love that sentence- let's make the days count! I think I need that on my wall at home. Thank you for the supportive words, Kim. I wish you all the best!
Beth A
Thank you Lisa for reminding me to seek out life’s pleasures every day amidst our struggles. I also feel better when I allow myself to acknowledge my suffering and my challenges while also focusing on the positives. I always appreciate your writing. Keep up the good work. Wishing you good things.
Lisa Weber
Thank you, Beth! It's so easy to forget to find the positives. I think I wrote this column as a reminder to myself as well!
Melisa Parker
Lisa -
I am so glad to hear that you still have the courage, strength and stamina of a warrior. I have been looking for you on the Internet and finally found you. Keep on fighting and know that I am praying for you! You hold a special place in my girls' hearts and mine. Without you Lauren wouldn't be bringing home straight A's. Keep on doing what you are doing and if you need anything, you can always reach out to me.
Lisa Weber
Thank you, Melisa! Some days I don't feel like a warrior, but I'm definitely not giving up. Your girls will always hold a special place in my heart too. I wish all the best to you and your family.
Margitta Hapke
Yes thank you again Dear Lisa. Perfect article again! Yesterday I yelled, screamed and cried so loud ( my husband was not home) that our neighbors must have thought I belong in a mental institute! Just had heart Echogram done...... my mouth full of sores ,that do not heal. Had ct of neck and mouth done re cancer. Going for lung breathing test on Monday. Testing for pah and progression of Ild +nodule in lung. These are Just some of my symptoms .....
Good reason to cry!
Lisa Weber
Margitta- those screams and cries are so important! I'm glad you took the time to let it out instead of bottling it up. It's like we are pressure cookers- if we don't let the steam out, the explosion will be devastating! Take each day one at a time. Don't focus on all the appointments and tests. One at a time. And remember, you are inside what I call the tornado. It is a violent storm, but it will calm down. You've got this!