
Practical Tips for Managing Scleroderma Fatigue

In this Scleroderma Foundation video, Janet L. Poole, PhD, OTR/L from the University of New Mexico talks us through some sensible tips to help scleroderma patients manage their fatigue at the 2016 Scleroderma National Patient Education Conference in New Orleans. Read our columnist Nicola Whitehill’s take on scleroderma…

Plasma Exchange an Effective Therapy for Raynaud’s and Digital Ulcers, Review Says

An overview of published studies exploring the use of therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) in scleroderma patients indicated that the treatment improved Raynaud’s phenomenon and digital ulcers. Findings also showed that TPE made blood less viscous, improving blood flow and preventing blood vessels from becoming blocked. The findings will be presented at the American…

Scleroderma Study Identifies Risk Factors for PAH Development

Researchers have identified risk factors of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in patients with scleroderma, showing that the risk profiles differ between patients with limited and diffuse cutaneous scleroderma. The study, “Risk factors for development of pulmonary arterial hypertension in Australian systemic sclerosis patients: results from a large…

Cold and Stress Trigger Adrenaline, Aggravate Skin Fibrosis, Study Says

Exposure to low temperatures and emotional stress triggers the production of norepinephrine (adrenaline), which contributes to skin fibrosis in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc), a new study says. The study, “Mechanistic Insight Into The Norepinephrine-Induced Fibrosis In Systemic Sclerosis”, published in the journal Scientific Reports, was conducted by…

Essential Oils: Scleroderma

Anti-inflammatory and More: Essential Oils Essentials oils, more widely known as aromatherapy, have been around for centuries.  There’s plenty of research behind the benefits of essentials oils and aromatics. We’ve discovered some ways essential oils may help with scleroderma symptoms.     Like herbs and minerals, the FDA does not regulate essentials…

Resunab, Potential Scleroderma Treatment, Shows Ability to Stop Inflammation in Early Clinical Trial

Corbus Pharmaceuticals reported new findings supporting the anti-inflammatory actions of its lead compound Resunab (JBT-101), which is currently being explored in a clinical trial for scleroderma. Data from experiments in healthy volunteers showed that Resunab prevented the infiltration of immune cells, called neutrophils, and changed blood flow in a…