
If Only We Had More Investment in Medical Research

  Today, Feb. 14, is Valentine’s Day. Scleroderma can affect the heart in various ways. Fibrosis of the heart can be life-threatening, and may contribute to pulmonary arterial hypertension. Upon initial examination and diagnosis, the heart should be assessed for any disease activity. Electrocardiogram…

Appreciating the Dark and Light Sides of My Life

Living with scleroderma means I need to make many important decisions to function, from treatment options to whether I’m well enough to get out of bed. Choices, choices, so many choices. It’s a miracle I get through so many on any given day. I…

My Social Dilemma: When Illness Hogs the Conversation

All those with chronic illness, and particularly those with invisible disabilities including my fellow scleroderma warriors, will know that to be able to attend important social occasions we have many considerations. Practical issues, such as parking, seating, and lift access, need to…

The Pandora’s Box of Scleroderma

Living with a rare disease that has an unknown cause and no cure is daunting in every way imaginable. For me, managing my scleroderma symptoms, combined with fatigue, mobility challenges, my nutrition and food ingredients is a…

The Job Description of a Full-time Patient

One of the most devastating ways that having scleroderma has changed my life is that I have had to stop working. Pain and profound fatigue required me to close my successful counseling practice. It was an extremely difficult decision, and one I didn’t take…

What We Can Learn from Our Pain

It’s unchallenging for most people to look back on life and instantly recall a singular, traumatic moment when they experienced emotional or physical pain. Whether it’s breaking an arm or losing a loved one, the moment is unforgettable due to the psychological impact. For those with a chronic…

Would the Real Lucifer Please Stand Up?

Living with scleroderma has been interesting lately, to say the least. Expletives, curses, profanities, call them what you will … my week has been full of them, right to the brim! I’ve been so full of nastiness that it has been overflowing from my mouth at any…