
Learning How to Recharge After Trauma

Coming home from the hospital should be a time of smiles and celebration — especially after surviving multiple strokes and spending nearly a week in the ICU, as I recently did. But isn’t life always more complicated than we expect? The fact that I’m alive is remarkable. And having…

I’m Stronger Than Scleroderma

Who am I? On some days, I don’t know how to answer that question. But I can tell you with certainty that I am not defined by my autoimmune disease. Scleroderma, my systemic enemy, is trying to destroy me. Every day it does its best to damage my…

So You Wanna Talk About Mothers?

It’s challenging to inherit the mother’s role. Some moms fade in involvement as parents while others see their children well into their adulthood and continue to act as mothers till they go to glory. Across that spectrum are mothers failing, struggling, hurting on their own. My mother is an interesting…

With Scleroderma, Exercise Comes at a Cost

My cardiologist has given me the OK to go back to the gym. I’ve been waiting for his clearance for a long time. Working out at the gym was how I stayed healthy and in shape before being diagnosed with scleroderma. Since becoming ill, I…

Grappling with My Identity as a Scleroderma Patient

It’s been an eventful couple of weeks.   I am currently dealing with several crises at the same time, all of which include seriously unwell significant others. My mother has been making an excellent recovery, but unfortunately, other people in my life have been facing life-changing…

Finding Hope in the Hospital Despite Adversity

Last week began like any other. I usually play catch-up on Monday, my favorite day of the week. It gives me a chance to recover from the weekend, which generally involves seeing people outside of our home, something I find to be draining. As I settled…

Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Scleroderma

I like to read online about how other patients experience systemic scleroderma, especially when I encounter unusual symptoms that don’t seem to have any relevance to the disease. So far, I have amassed a small collection of minor, but annoying and somewhat peculiar, ailments that puzzle…