
Living With Scleroderma Means Living With Grief, Too

My little girls sway back and forth in their ruffled dresses. My face is fixed with a glowing smile as I watch the home video of these sweet babies. They are both saying the word “marshmallow” at my request. Their mouths fumble the multisyllabic word, producing the cutest versions. I…

An Open Letter to My Late Friend With an Invisible Illness

Decades ago, you passed quietly through the background of everyone’s busy lives. My heart still aches for you, even more now. You see, I didn’t know what you were going through for all those painful years. Your invisible illness was just that — invisible. I didn’t understand it, and…

Pandemic Panic Is Real for the Immunocompromised

As the meeting doors open, I’m met with the coolness of a windowless, air-conditioned room. Normally, I would welcome this gift on a sweltering summer day, but today is different. I immediately question the purity of the air I’m about to breathe in. I reluctantly enter and scan the room…

Don’t Settle When Choosing Your Team of Doctors

Many books have been written about finding your true love. Yet, there’s not much guidance about finding the right doctors. I suppose this didn’t matter when I was healthy. Now that I’m chronically ill, the right doctor means life or death. However, when scleroderma forced me to seek out care…

Scleroderma Research Is Not Slowing Down

Although rheumatologists specializing in scleroderma are rare like the disease, they have something in common: passion. They’re passionate about understanding and managing the disease and compassionate toward those it affects. Dr. Nunzio Bottini is one of the foremost scleroderma researchers on the West Coast of the U.S. He…