Wendy Henderson,  —

Wendy is a proven blogger and social media manager who has helped to build online communities for businesses and organizations. She currently heads the website’s social outreach online through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Articles by Wendy Henderson

Do You Know How Serious Scleroderma Is?

Even though scleroderma affects around 2.5 million people worldwide including 300,000 people in the U.S., it’s a disease that few people know about. The rare autoimmune disease affects the skin and internal organs, but just how serious is it? We’ve put together some information that explains how serious the disease can be, who it affects and…

6 Effects of Chronic Fatigue in Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases and chronic fatigue go hand in hand, as anyone with lupus, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, IBD (and a host more) will testify. Chronic fatigue affects daily life and your ability to go about your business. It’s incredibly debilitating and yet, very misunderstood by those who don’t suffer from it. We’ve put…

6 Tips to Help Control Raynaud’s Phenomenon Flares

For scleroderma patients, Raynaud’s phenomenon symptoms are much more apparent in the winter when the brutal cold takes its toll. However, there are ways to manage the condition that can help sufferers quickly recover from a flare and get the circulation flowing again. MORE: Discover seven common misconceptions about scleroderma. We’ve…

Explaining the Long-Term Progression of Scleroderma

This video from FESCA taken at the fourth Systemic Sclerosis World Congress in Lisbon in 2016 shares two presentations dedicated to the progression of scleroderma and how it affects patients on a long-term basis. MORE: Discover six tips for eating well with scleroderma First up is Dr. Jason Lee…

Could This Be the Cause of Scleroderma?

In this animated video from Hack Dentistry, learn about the hypothesized pathogenesis of scleroderma. The video is aimed at dental students who may come into contact with scleroderma patients throughout their careers. MORE: 12 things to care for when you have scleroderma Hack Dentistry explains how the disease develops,…

10 Parts of the Body Affected by Scleroderma

Scleroderma or systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a rare autoimmune disease whereby the body produces too much collagen. The symptoms a person can present are widespread and many different parts of the body can be involved. According to the Scleroderma Foundation, these are the main areas of the body affected by scleroderma.

7 Common Misconceptions About Scleroderma

Despite there being approximately 300,000 people in the U.S. who have scleroderma, it seems that many people are either completely unaware of the disease or are confused as to what the disease actually is. With this in mind, we’ve put together a list of common misconceptions about scleroderma so non-patients…