Scleroderma Stories: Glorie Shares Her Journey

In this video from the Scleroderma Foundation, Glorie Ann Jaramillo shares that she was diagnosed with scleroderma in February 2014 after experiencing symptoms for two years. MORE: Four tips to help navigate a scleroderma diagnosis. Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that affects different parts and organs in the body. Glorie’s skin and…

8 Tips For Protecting Your Lungs From Unhealthy Air

Having scleroderma, you’ll might need to protect your lungs from being further irritated by unhealthy air. We’ve put together a list of ways to help protect your lungs against unhealthy air using information from the American Lung Association. Check the daily air pollutant forecasts.  There are sites…

How Scleroderma Can Affect Your Lungs

Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body overproduces collagen. This collagen can appear in any of the body’s organs, including the lungs. MORE: Six warning signs you may have a lung disease. It’s essential that scleroderma patients’ lungs are monitored regularly. After a scleroderma diagnosis, the patient should undergo…

4 Tips to Help Navigate a Scleroderma Diagnosis

Being diagnosed with scleroderma can be overwhelming. It’ll take time to come to terms with the diagnosis and you’ll likely experience a range of emotions until then. Four of the most important questions about scleroderma. However, there are ways to get your emotions under control. Firstly, it’s important to give yourself enough time to…

Is This What Causes Scleroderma? In this animated video from Hack Dentistry, learn about the hypothesized pathogenesis of scleroderma. The video is aimed at dental students who may come into contact with scleroderma patients throughout their careers. MORE: Twelve things to care for when you have scleroderma. Hack Dentistry explains how the disease develops,…

5 Tips to Help Prevent Lung Infections

Scleroderma patients are susceptible to lung infections which can often lead to hospitalization. According to the American Lung Association, there are several things you can do to help prevent lung infections. Practice Good Hygiene Regularly washing hands with soap and water — particularly before eating and after touching…

Busting Popular Myths About Depression

This video from Big Think deals with some of the common myths surrounding depression. MORE: Despite approximately 300,000 people in the U.S. having scleroderma, it seems that many people are either completely unaware of the disease or are confused as to what the disease actually is. Dr.

How to Manage Scleroderma-Related Fatigue

Scleroderma is a rare autoimmune disease where the body suddenly starts to produce too much collagen. This excess collagen can cause thickening of the skin and also fibrosis of internal organs. In addition to issues associated with collagen, many scleroderma patients will also experience extreme fatigue. MORE: Six common symptoms of…

4 of the Most Important Questions About Scleroderma

Scleroderma is a rare autoimmune disease characterized by an overproduction of collagen that can cause thickening of the skin and fibrosis of internal organs. The severity of the disease varies greatly: some patients experience only mild skin thickening while others suffer organ involvement that can lead to potentially life-threatening diseases like heart disease, kidney failure,…