
Frequent Cough May Be Measure of Severity of Lung Disease, GERD in Scleroderma

Frequent cough, which commonly occurs in lung disease related to scleroderma correlates both with the presence and severity of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD – a chronic digestive disease where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus), and interstitial lung disease (ILD – a condition characterized by the progressive scarring of the lung tissue between the air sacs), suggests a study published in the medical journal Chest.

NavigAID SSc Assay Diagnoses Scleroderma Subgroups, Could Lead to New Therapies

Protagen has launched NavigAID SSc, a new disease stratification assay that, by measuring serum biomarkers, can define specific systemic sclerosis (SSc) patient subgroups, thereby facilitating differential diagnosis and supporting the development of personalized therapeutics in SSc. SSc is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the body. The condition…

Case Report Details Rare Condition of Nodular Scleroderma

A rare condition of scleroderma, known as keloidal or nodular scleroderma, characterized by the presence of rigid and well-defined nodules and plaques that look like overgrown scars (keloids), was reported in a case study published in the journal Case Reports in Dermatology. Cases of nodular scleroderma were reported in patients…

Cytori Publishes 2-Year Follow-up Data in Scleroderma Trial of Cell Therapy in Hand Dysfunction

Cytori Therapeutics recently published two-year clinical follow-up data of its SCLERADEC-I pilot trial showing that a single administration of the company’s Cytori Cell Therapy (ECCS-50) provided sustained clinical benefits for patients with hand dysfunction linked to scleroderma. The study, “Long-term follow-up after autologous adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction injection into…