
Protein’s Levels in Blood May Mark SSc Patients at Risk of PAH

Blood levels of the protein endocan may be a potential biomarker in identifying people with scleroderma who are at risk for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a study reported. The study, which supported previous findings regarding this protein, was titled “Endocan and Circulating Progenitor Cells in Women with Systemic…

Gesynta Pharma Seeks OK to Assess GS-248 in Trials

Gesynta Pharma has submitted an investigational new drug (IND) application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seeking approval to test its oral therapy, GS-248, in clinical trials with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) patients. GS-248 is an experimental therapy being developed for conditions characterized by microvascular disease, including systemic sclerosis.

Efforts to Educate Mark Scleroderma Awareness Month This June

From joining a walk-a-thon to sharing videos of themselves saying the rare disease’s hard-to-pronounce name, supporters are marking Scleroderma Awareness Month, observed each June. World Scleroderma Day is June 29. The mission is to raise awareness among the general public and to educate policymakers, public authorities, industry representatives, scientists, and…

IBS Laxative Linaclotide Can Help Manage GI Issues in Scleroderma

Linaclotide, an oral medication to treat constipation, is safe and well-tolerated, and can be used to manage difficult-to-treat gastrointestinal (GI) complications in people with scleroderma, a study has found. Results show that low-dose treatment with linaclotide is effective and may be better tolerated, though some patients may require higher…

Mary J. Wheatley Is New Scleroderma Foundation CEO

Mary J. Wheatley will succeed Robert J. Riggs as CEO of the Scleroderma Foundation, an organization dedicated to supporting scleroderma patients, promoting public education concerning the disorder, and helping to fund research into effective treatments and a possible cure. The change will be effective July 1. “This is…