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Scleroderma Q&A by Dr. Aryeh Fischer

In this video from the Colorado Chapter of the Scleroderma Foundation, watch a Scleroderma question & answer session during the 2015 Patient Education Day. Stay updated with the latest news about the disease here:…


In this awareness campaign from the Scleroderma Society of Canada, watch people learn how “hard it is to say “Scleroderma” and how it is an even HARDER disease.” Learn more about the disease:…

Last Week’s Top-3 Most Read Posts On Scleroderma

Read the Articles Here: Systemic Sclerosis Patients’ Intestinal Microbiome Found To Be Enriched by Inflammatory Bacteria Systemic Sclerosis Associated with Alterations in Sub-Populations of B Cells Systemic Sclerosis Case Report Details Degeneration in Woman’s Jaw  …

Scleroderma Testimonials

What is it like living with scleroderma? This video takes a look at some of the struggles that patients face when dealing with this life altering autoimmune disease. The video features actor, Jason Alexander; Football Hall of Famer, Barry Sanders; Actor and Comedian, Mark Teich; Author and Personality,…

So… What is Scleroderma? In an animation from Scleroderma UK, learn more about the basics of Scleroderma. Learn more about the disease:…

Ann Havelock’s Story

While Scleroderma is considered a rare disease, affecting about 300,000 Americans, it is a serious, life threatening condition with no cure and few therapeutic options. Learn more about the disease:…

Systemic Sclerosis-overlap Syndrome To Be Taken A New Disease Subset

Researchers from the University of Cologne in Germany showed that Systemic sclerosis-overlap Syndrome should be regarded as different separate subset in Systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients. The study entitled “Disease progression in systemic sclerosis-overlap syndrome is significantly different from limited and diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis” appeared on…

Clinical Phase I/II Pilot Trial Will Study New Therapy for Systemic Sclerosis

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is recruiting Refractory Systemic Sclerosis Patients between 8 to 18 years of age for a Phase I/II pilot trial of the drug Campath-1H ( identifier: NCT01639573) to address whether prolonged administration of the drug can result in immunoablation. Campath-1H is a trade name…