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Last Week’s Hot Topic on Scleroderma

Last week’s hot topic on Scleroderma was about the Research of Lung Fibrosis in Scleroderma Revealing High Levels of Antibodies That Correlate with Disease Progression written by Margarida Azevedo. The article is centered around the study about circulating antibodies against specific chemokine (small proteins with an…

Prediction of Progression and Complications in Scleroderma

  Dr. Laura Hummers talks about how to predict how one patient’s individual trajectory can progress and what specific complications this person is likely to develop. This video was captured in a session put on by the Scleroderma Foundation in 2014. Learn more about scleroderma here:…

Scleroderma and Sponge Cake: Similarities?

Scleroderma Society UK shares the thoughts of a scleroderma patient on the similarities between scleroderma and sponge cake. Gill Crawford feels that autoimmune diseases are like cakes in the way that even for the same recipe you will have different outcomes depending on a lot of factors.

The Top 6 Scleroderma-Related Conditions to Watch Out For

In a speech at the Scleroderma Foundation’s 20th anniversary event in Houston, Dr. Mark Khorsandi, hand surgeon and board member of the foundation’s Blue Bonnet chapter, addressed several conditions that can develop in scleroderma patients. Dr. Khorsandi spoke about these conditions and treatment options.

Systemic Sclerosis Pathology and its Relation to B Cells

In a study entitled “Systemic Sclerosis Patients Present Alterations in the Expression of Molecules Involved in B-Cell Regulation,” a team of researchers investigated whether patients with systemic sclerosis present changes in their immune B cells profile. They identified key abnormalities that may impact B cells hyperactivation in systemic sclerosis…

Scleroderma and Breast Cancer Patient Testimonial

“Angela DeMatto is a beautiful middle-aged lady who has suffered most of her life with scleroderma. Almost two decades ago, Dr. Sam offered treatment to any patient with scleroderma who wished to obtain it where it could be legally available. The spokesperson for the Scleroderma Foundation at the time…

How Not to Confuse Scleroderma with Scleredema

Exercise and physical activity are important to deal with the fatigue that may come from scleroderma. Too little activity can make fatigue worse. According to the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, scleredema diabeticorum is characterized by a dramatic increase in the thickness of the skin…

Study of Potencial Cell Therapy Treated its 20th Patient

Cytori Therapeutics recently announced that its Phase 3 STAR clinical trial, evaluating the efficacy and safety of Cytori Cell Therapy in scleroderma patients with hand impairment, has treated its 20th patient to reach 25 percent of its enrollment and treatment goal. The trial is continuing on the recommendation of an independent monitoring committee that evaluated safety data…