Pulmonary Hypertension in Systemic Sclerosis: Men and Women
Although women have a greater risk of systemic sclerosis (SSc), they may actually experience a lesser degree of symptoms. An international study based at Cochin Hospital in Paris, extracted data from 9,182 patients with SSc from the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) scleroderma trials and research study cohort and discovered a striking contrast in disease severity between genders. The findings were reported in the journal Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases under the title, “A Gender Gap in Primary and Secondary Heart Dysfunctions in Systemic Sclerosis: A EUSTAR Prospective Study.”
After recognizing the gender gap in SSc, the authors made a number of recommendations. They believe gender should be taken into account when analyzing drug effects during clinical trials, and stratifications can be useful to determine if one therapeutic strategy could benefit men or women over another.
Read more on this here: https://bit.ly/1SdMCFw
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