Newly Diagnosed: You Are Not Alone on Your Journey
Whether you are a patient or a caregiver, it’s important to remember that you are not alone on this journey with scleroderma and that others have been in your shoes. Here’s a collection of our columnists’ words that they would like to share to help guide, inspire, and encourage you.
What I Wish I Knew When I Was First Diagnosed
The beginning of any journey in life is the most crucial place to set the direction the path will take, writes columnist Jessica Massengale. Here she outlines three important actions to take as a newly diagnosed scleroderma patient.
Don’t Cry for Me, Scleroderma
Columnist Dinah Chong Watkins recalls when her scleroderma became a visible disease she couldn’t hide. She wants people to know she is more than just her illness. She’s got some broken bits, but who doesn’t?
The Importance of Trying New Forms of Treatment
Choosing a treatment plan for scleroderma can be like playing the lottery, Jessica writes. Her treatment journey hasn’t been easy, but her first lesson learned with scleroderma is that nothing comes easy, and sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone pays off.
How Changing Your Diet Can Benefit Your Life
Our bodies are fighting against us, and certain foods can dampen the fire of disease, while others can inflame it, Jessica writes. Results of changing your diet may be different from one person to the next, but she feels a nutritional diet has helped her manage her disease.
When My Disease Attacks, I Press the Reset Button and Move Forward
Columnist Lisa Weber likens her condition to a bully that persistently harasses her with painful procedures and side effects. But there are ways to face the disease head-on and keep pushing forward. After all, every day is a new day.
Advocate for Yourself as a Patient, Because You’re Worth It
After dealing with a difficult nurse who did not understand her disease during a hospital stay following a major surgery, columnist Kim Tocker has learned to speak up for herself and be her own advocate. This approach has really helped her self-confidence.