THE COUNTDOWN is ON – 7 DAYS to go until WORLD SCLERODERMA DAY 29th June 2016

This year, 2016, FESCA (Federation of European Scleroderma Associations) have put together the following awareness / information video:
‘Hand in Hand for a Better Future’
To find out more about FESCA, visit their website as well as:
This is our chance, for this one day of the year, to shout from the rooftops about Scleroderma, in the hope for more financial investment in medical research for evidence based medicine which improves the scleroderma patient experience.
I wrote at the start of the June Scleroderma Awareness Month campaign that an educated, empowered patient makes for an easier scleroderma patient experience. I still hold this view, and hope that you do too.